Oferta Port Cetate

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Între anii 1998-2007, pe toatǎ perioada restaurǎrii clǎdirilor principale, Portul Cetate a gǎzduit cu preponderenţǎ tabere de artişti, în cadrul unor proiecte organizate de Fundaţia pentru Poezie ‘Mircea Dinescu’. Din 2007, când fundaţia, sub auspiciile firmei Port Cetate, a început sǎ renoveze / restaureze şi celelalalte clǎdiri aflate pe malul Dunǎrii, şi dupǎ contruirea unei bucǎtǎrii moderne şi a unui mini-hotel, locul a devenit accesibil şi pentru turism.
Situat la 3 km de sat şi înconjurat de pǎduri, Portul Cetate este un loc ideal pentru organizarea de conferinţe, cursuri, workshop-uri, teambuilding-uri, precum şi petreceri private sau scurte vacanţe cu prietenii sau familia. Având la dispoziţie 18 camere cu baie proprie şi 3 apartamente, Portul poate acomoda grupuri de aproximativ 40-50 de persoane.
Activitǎţile de grup se pot desfǎşura fie în mansarda confortabilǎ a clǎdirii principale, unde existǎ internet wireless, proiector şi ecran, fie în spaţioasa ‘garǎ fluvialǎ’, de asemenea dotatǎ cu proiector şi ecran, având insǎ avantajul unei terase însorite la Dunǎre.

Capacitatea maximǎ de cazare în port este de aproximativ 40-50 de persoane.
Rezervările sunt obligatorii şi se pot face la adresa: portcetate@gmail.com

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Capacitatea noastra de cazare:

  • 18 camere cu baie,
  • 3 apartamente cu cite doua camere, care pot functiona eventual si separat, ca 6 camere.Majoritatea acestor camere pot fi amenajate fie pentru un cuplu, fie cu doua paturi separate
  • 9 camere în casa centralǎ, “conacul” sau “cǎpitania” portului, cu băile pe hol (o baie la douǎ camere): 5 la mansardǎ (în care poate sta câte o persoanǎ sau un cuplu) şi 4 la etajul întâi (3 cu cîte douǎ paturi şi una cu pat dublu).

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Beginning with 2007, after converting the old administrative buildings of the port into comfortable bungalows and building a modern, fully equipped kitchen and a mini-hotel, the site also became open for land and river-cruise tourism.
Situated at a distance of 3 km from the village and surrounded by forests, Port Cetate is an ideal location for the organization of meetings, conferences, workshops, and teambuilding activities, but also for private parties and short family holidays. We have 18 comfortable rooms with bathroom, as well as 3 suites. The port can accommodate around 40 persons at a time.
There are suitable spaces for group activities, such as the attic of the main house (equipped with projector and screen, computer and wireless internet), as well as the recently restored ‘station house’, with its sunny terrace overlooking the river (this building is also equipped with a projector and screen).
Equally inviting, during the warmer months of the year, are the spaces outdoors, either in the shadow of the old linden trees in front of the main house, or by the willows near the small fishing pond located in the poplar forest behind.

Our maximum capacity is below 50 persons, reservations are mandatory and can be made at the e-mail adress : portcetate@gmail.com

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Types of accommodation available:

  • 18 rooms with bathroom (can be used as single, double, or twin)
  • 3 apartments / suites (can be used as 6 separate rooms).
  • 9 rooms with shared bathroom (one bathroom for each two rooms) in the main house, out of which: 5 rooms in the attic (either single or double – for couples), and 4 on the 1st floor (3 with twin beds, 1 with a double bed)