Project Description

Vladan Matijević, born 1962 in Čačak, is a Serbian writer. Working as a technical engineer, Matijević appeared as a poet on the literary scene in the early 80s.

With the collection of poems Ne remeteći Rasulo (Non interfering Chaos, 1991) and the novel R.C. Neminovno (R.C. The Inevitable, 1997) he became to be known. His first collection of stories Prilično mrtvi (Quite dead, 2000) received the Ivo Andrić Award for stories. With the realistic literary form into which he enters a grotesque distortion, Matijević showed the dislocated and excluded characters of these stories with their inner dramas.

Three years later, the novel-of-the-year Pisac izdaleka (Writer from the distance, 2004) followed and was awarded with the NIN Prize. The novel about a writer who wants to be like a novelist is based on Matijević’s postmodern narrative strategies and constructed myths about writers, the writing itself, and the entire literary establishment.

The next novel Časovi radosti (The Adventures of Kitty A., 2006) is a provocative satire on the theme of chivalry and erotic in the modern world. He is also known as a playwrighter – three of his plays were published under the collective title Žilavi Komádi (Stringy pieces, 2009).

His last novel Vrlo svetlosti malo (Very little light) was released in 2010. This three-part novel is analyzing the life of an American art historian, a former minister in the Serbian government and a university graduate.

During the first Literature in Flux translators workshop (15-18.06, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia) Vladan Matijević worked with translators from Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary on the translation of his book.


Filip Florian was born in 1968 in Bucharest. After his studies in geology and geophysics he worked as a reporter for Cuvîntul (The World) newspaper, Radio Free Europe and Deutsche Welle. His novel Degete mici (Little fingers), published at Polirom in 2005, was awarded as Best Prose Debut by the Romanian Writers Union in 2006. It has been published in Hungary (Magvetö), Germany (Suhrkamp), Poland (Czarne), USA (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), Spain (Acantilado), Italy (Fazi Editore), Slovakia (Kalligram) and Slovenia (Didakta).

The novel Băiuţeii / Băiuţ Alley Lads (Polirom. 2006), written together with his brother, has been published in Poland (Czarne), in Spain (Acantilado) and Bulgaria (Plural Plus).

His novel Zilele regelui (The Days of The King), published in 2008, was declared as Book of the Year by the Colloques of the Contemporary Romanian Novel. Filip Florian is considered a major talent of the Eastern European literature. He lives in Bucharest.


“These days, I swear I wouldn’t know what to say about myself. At forty, it has become clear to me that I’m never going to be a football player, I’m beginning to lose hope that I’ll ever have long hair, I wake up increasingly early in the morning, I eat unbelievably few cherries (which I once cherished), I smoke unbelievably many cigarettes (which I once despised), truth seems to me quite questionable and the weather forecasts leave me cold. Fortunately, though not as strongly as I used to, I still believe that one day I’m going to catch a twenty-kilo sheatfish.” (Filip Florian)

Filip Florian was HALMA grant holder in 2010, his residence places were the Thomas Mann Cultural Center and the Slovene Writers’ Association Apartment (the HALMA grant for Filip Florian was made possible by the S. Fischer Foundation).


Linda Stift, was born in Wagna/southern Styria in 1969. She studied German and Slavic Studies and Philosophy. In 1998, she began to work as a freelancing editor for fiction books and magazine publishers. In 1999, she was, together with Martina Schmidt, the co-editor of the anthology Weihnachten für Fortgeschrittene (Christmas for Experts). Her debut novel Kingpeng (2005) was very well received and followed by the novel Stierhunger (2007, Bullhunger) and the novel Kein einziger Tag (2011, Not a single day) published at Deuticke.

She lives as a freelance writer in Vienna.

Awards and Scholarships:

Nomination for the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2009

Participation in the days of German literature in 2009

State Grant 2007/08 and 2008/09 of BM:UKK

Gesswein Prize 2007


Dan Sociu

(n. 20 mai 1978, Botoșani) este un poet român contemporan.

Dan Sociu s-a născut la 20 mai 1978, la Botoșani, jud. Botoșani. Studii gimnaziale și liceale în localitate. Studii universitare la Universitatea Al. I. Cuza din Iasi, Stiinte Politice si Filologie. A debutat în presa botoșăneană Gazeta de Botoșani și Intertext.

Apariții editoriale

borcane bine legate, bani pentru încă o săptămână (Junimea, 2002) , pentru care i s-a decernat în același an Premiul Național pentru Poezie „Mihai Eminescu“ (debut);

fratele păduche (Vinea, 2004);

cîntece eXcesive, la Editura Cartea Românească, 2005 – pentru această carte i se acordă Premiul pentru Poezie din partea Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania (este pentru prima oară în istoria USR cînd un autor care nu e membru primește acest premiu).

URBANCOLIA, roman, (Polirom, 2008)

Nevoi speciale, roman, (Polirom, 2008)


Este prezent în antologiile: Club 8 Poetry (Editura T, 2001); Ozone friendly (Editura T, 2002); hat jemand etwas gefragt? (Editura Versus, 2003); Povești erotice românești (Editura Trei, 2007); No Longer Poetry (Heaventree Press, 2007), New European Poets, (Graywolf Press, 2008). Publică în reviste și ziare românești, precum și în reviste din Austria (Wienzeille), Suedia (Ord & Bild si Lyrikvännen), Polonia (Lampa), SUA (Circumferince – University of Columbia), Serbia, Spania

Activitate literară

În 2005, a lucrat ca redactor-șef al ziarului Curierul de Botoșani, publicație condusă de ofițerul american antitero Derrin R. Smith, experiență care stă la baza romanului URBANCOLIA. În 2006, revista 22, în urma voturilor a peste 5 critici literari, l-a desemnat ca fiind cel mai bun tînăr poet al momentului. În 2007, la Colocviul Tinerilor Scriitori Cluj a fost votat de colegii de generație ca fiind cel mai popular tânăr scriitor. A tradus în 2007 prima antologie în limba română a poeziilor lui Charles Bukowski, „Dragostea e un cîine venit din iad”, Editura Polirom iar în 2009 “Tara mlaștină și alte poeme”, o antologie din poeziile lui Seamus Heaney. A fost invitat de scriitoarea Herta Muller la Literaturfestival Berlin, 2007, și, la recomandarea lui Mircea Cărtărescu, a obținut o bursă la Akademie Solitude, 2008. A fost invitat pentru lecturi publice in Slovenia, SUA, Cehia, Polonia, Suedia, Austria, Republica Moldova. În prezent, lucrează ca redactor al Editurii Polirom.